Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Quarterly Review- February 28, 2014

John, your three-month mark is here!  

Here's how you've progressed....

AAAHH! Growing like a weed!!

And with it, Mommy started back to work and you started going to day care.  Miss Francis and Miss Kiki are great!!  You seem to love school- by the time I get home from work, you are out like a light and don't wake back up until early morning.  

We will have to forgo weight and height info because you don't have a doctor's appointment until you are four months. But you ARE moving out of 0-3 month/3 month clothes and into the 6th month category. You are just too long!  You can't stretch out in the smaller clothes anymore :(

Eye color:  Blue, shockingly!  I never even considered that you would have blue eyes- they are beautiful.

Food:  Still drinking soy milk- 5 oz. every four hours.  This last week we started cereal and you LOVE it.  You get mad at us if we take too long to get it to you!

Sleep: Consistently sleeping from about 9-4ish.  You are a blessing in the sleep department.

Activity:  You ROLLED over on Friday (February 28th)!! You decided to make your three month day a special one! You went from your stomach to your back....and I got to witness it!  I will be honest, I was afraid going back to work I would miss your "firsts", and then I got to see that- it made me so happy!!  We raced and got Daddy, but of course you didn't do it again right then....but he saw you do it the next time!  Now any time we place you on your stomach, it isn't long until you flip yourself over.  I guess we are going to start having to be more careful when we place you on the changing table ;)
 *that paragraph has way too many exclamation marks, but I am not ashamed*

You still love your swing and play mat (and our laps)

Sleeping shots:


Smiling all the time!!:


Loves his Daddy:

Trying out cereal- he loved it!


First time to Day Care!

Bubbles are FASCINATING:

 I don't think he appreciated being placed in the {clean} laundry...

First snow!!



The monthly shots are getting harder to snap ;)