Monday, October 6, 2014

Double Digits: 10 months

Stop it.  Stop it right.  Now.  All this growing and changing is so not cool- but so very amazing at the same time!  You are now 10 months old (on September 28th) and are so much fun!  

We went to get your second flu shot and you weigh around 23 lbs.  Your baby blues are staying baby blue.  Your blonde, curly hair is staying blonde and curly.  

You are pulling up on ALL the furniture- even the walls- and using it to get around.  You will walk behind your sit and stand toy and with help from Momma and Daddy.  

You are eating breakfast, lunch, an afternoon snack bottle, and dinner- fruits and cereal with breakfast and veggies with lunch and dinner.  You snack on veggie straws, Nilla wafers, yogurt, avacados, etc.  You are starting to show more interest in "people food" and we let you try it when you do.  

You love talking, smiling, laughing- and you know when people are watching you :)  The last few times we have dropped you off at the nursery on Sundays or Wednesdays you have started to cry when I hand you off- I am really hoping this is a stage we move out of breaks my heart to have to leave you while you cry when I know all I have to do to dry your tears is hold you.  Thank goodness your Daddy takes you to day care each morning.  

Photo dump:

Messy eater :)

Already a rough and tumble boy- but such a happy one!!

First Rangers Game!  You did great!  Watched the game and slept the whole time, never fussed!

I don't know why, but you love to get into your car seat if we have it on the ground.

One Wednesday night after church, you fell asleep in the car and I was going to try and change you (at least your diaper) before you went to bed- you promptly rolled over and kept sleeping.  

You love, love, LOVE being outdoors!  We go on a walk at the park every day I am off work.

Bath time is still a favorite!

You loved watching Peyton play the piano!