Wednesday, February 26, 2014

"For this boy I prayed, and the Lord has given me my petition which I asked of Him.  So I have also dedicated him to the Lord; as long as he lives he is dedicated to the Lord." 
1 Samuel 1:27-28

Sunday, February 16th was John's baby dedication at First Baptist Church of Dallas.  It was a GREAT day!

John had so many family members present- Granny and Papa Smith, Papaw Hassell, Grandmother and Granddaddy Hassell, Aunt Rebecca and Uncle Taylor, Uncle Andrew and Aunt Alyssa, Gam and Grandpa Clarkson, Aunt Heather and Uncle Blake, The Cooks (Marsha, Don, and Jonathan) The Berryhills, The Hamiltons, The Kirklands, and Carolyn.  WHEW!

John did so well throughout the dedication- there were six other children also dedicated by their families... I am so excited to see him grow up and make friends with these children who I know have parents who value their spiritual lives as much as Matt and I do for John!  Really this was a chance for Matt and I to stand before the church and vow to be a Christian home for John and to lead and teach him about Christ.  

After the service, we ate at El Fenix downtown.  Papa Smith said that he was excited about four things- Seeing John be dedicated, see family, see the new church and hear Dr. Jeffress, and to eat at El Fenix! haha 

We pray that we will provide a home for John that praises God in all we do!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Healing Heart

We will praise You in the Storm

My Momma and Daddy went camping the weekend of January 24-26.  Saturday, Daddy just couldn't shake some chest pain and was becoming short of breath, so they went to the regional hospital and, sure enough, he was having a heart attack.  They flew him to Tyler's Mother Frances Hospital where he immediately went to the Cath Lab.  By the time the doctor came out, all immediate family was there (minus Andrew and Alyssa who were close but had a lot further to travel), plus the Hassells, Marsha, Finleys, Papaw H, and Granny and Papa.  We learned that he had blockage in four main arteries on his heart and would need a CABG- it was scheduled for Tuesday, January 28th.  They kept him in the hospital Sunday and Monday before surgery and luckily he was able to come out to the waiting room and see and hold John both days...

This also happens to be Andrew's  22nd birthday and John's 2 month "whatever-you-want-to-call-it".

Daddy had so many people praying, checking in, and visiting- it was overwhelming the amount of love and support shown!!  

Matt stayed through Sunday but then had to be back in Forney for work.  John and I, of course, stayed in Tyler.  Tuesday was very stressful, but we have THE BEST family who came and sat in the waiting room with us and told stories and kept us laughing.  Friends (Reids, Varners) brought lunch, dinner, and snacks so we wouldn't worry about them, and John was a great distraction.  

I have never been as relieved as I was on two different occasions that day- 1. Seeing him back in his room and 2. Getting to talk to him once he was extubated.

We are thankful to the great nurses and doctors he had while at the Heart Hospital!  Daddy got to go home Monday, February 3rd (Momma's birthday)- less than a week after surgery!  God is good.  ALL the time!

Two Months

Wait What?

Two months...crazy!!  I have never loved anyone like I love you, my sweet little one. 

You are so not impressed. 

Weight: 14 lbs. 3 oz. (you chunky monkey- your cheeks are the best things to kiss. ever.)

Length: 24 inches! You are two feet long!! Aunt Reb said you are almost half her height...She is slightly off....but whatever- you are still so long!

Eye Color: Still blue- the ring around them is still there, but isn't growing really right now

Food: At your appointment, Dr. Drake decided you may not be digesting milk-based formula completely.  You were having some weird stools so you are now on soy-based formula and you are doing GREAT!  You are just taking 4 oz every four hours- I am going to assume you aren't drinking as much because you are actually digesting the formula better now.

Sleep: Still sleeping longer at night and less during the day... usually a 6 hour stretch- you are so cute to watch when you talk/grunt in your sleep!!

Activity:  You like to sit in laps facing the person holding you- and coo and laugh and smile!  You are such a happy baby!  It is funny, though, when you get tired you will go from laughing to crying so fast!  I know it is "wrong" but it makes me laugh :)
We got you a swing because you weren't the biggest fan of the MamaRoo, and you LOVE the swing!  A good majority of the time you will take a nap in it which gives me some time to take care of things around the house.  

**You went to church for the first time!!**
(and slept the whole time- this is okay right now)

Clothes: Still wearing size one diapers and 3 month clothes... starting to fill out the length of the onsies, but you still have room to grow in the torso

You had your first real laugh on January 18th- you woke yourself up laughing.  It was the most adorable thing ever.  I almost cried. 

Photo dump....

the many sleeping positions of John

Mommy and Me

Sleepy Family

My men ;)

You make some of the best faces!