Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Two Months

Wait What?

Two months...crazy!!  I have never loved anyone like I love you, my sweet little one. 

You are so not impressed. 

Weight: 14 lbs. 3 oz. (you chunky monkey- your cheeks are the best things to kiss. ever.)

Length: 24 inches! You are two feet long!! Aunt Reb said you are almost half her height...She is slightly off....but whatever- you are still so long!

Eye Color: Still blue- the ring around them is still there, but isn't growing really right now

Food: At your appointment, Dr. Drake decided you may not be digesting milk-based formula completely.  You were having some weird stools so you are now on soy-based formula and you are doing GREAT!  You are just taking 4 oz every four hours- I am going to assume you aren't drinking as much because you are actually digesting the formula better now.

Sleep: Still sleeping longer at night and less during the day... usually a 6 hour stretch- you are so cute to watch when you talk/grunt in your sleep!!

Activity:  You like to sit in laps facing the person holding you- and coo and laugh and smile!  You are such a happy baby!  It is funny, though, when you get tired you will go from laughing to crying so fast!  I know it is "wrong" but it makes me laugh :)
We got you a swing because you weren't the biggest fan of the MamaRoo, and you LOVE the swing!  A good majority of the time you will take a nap in it which gives me some time to take care of things around the house.  

**You went to church for the first time!!**
(and slept the whole time- this is okay right now)

Clothes: Still wearing size one diapers and 3 month clothes... starting to fill out the length of the onsies, but you still have room to grow in the torso

You had your first real laugh on January 18th- you woke yourself up laughing.  It was the most adorable thing ever.  I almost cried. 

Photo dump....

the many sleeping positions of John

Mommy and Me

Sleepy Family

My men ;)

You make some of the best faces!

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