Sunday, July 20, 2014

Seven Month Update
(I know- I am SUPER late in posting this one...should have been up June 28, but someone got hitched that day- see below)

John Alexander the Great, you are growing up too fast and you need to stop it right now!  We won't get another official weigh in or length until your 9 month visit, so for now: you are heavier and longer.

 And cuter!!
Your eyes remain a sweet pretty blue with some green peeping in around your pupils- you compliments on them all the time! 

You now have three (!) teeth- your two fangs and the left center tooth on the bottom.  We have started giving you these biscuit things (Mum Mums) and you are getting much better about holding things to eat.  We let you help feed yourself with the spoon and then you lick it clean at the end of each meal!  You are eating fruit mixed with cereal (+ 6 oz. bottle) for breakfast, and for lunch and dinner you have a veggie (+ 6 oz. bottle).  You take an afternoon 8 oz. bottle as well! We were giving you 8 oz. with every meal, but you either would not finish the bottle, or would then spit up- so back to 6 oz. we went. 
 Let me tell you, Momma and Daddy's shirts breathed a sigh of relief once we did.

First time in your high chair- you look so grown up!

We tried to go to the pool, but the water was too cold for you- so we made our tub a little pool for you and you loved it!  

 Obligatory sleeping pictures

First time in the cart.

Miscellaneous goodies... 

We made a spontaneous trip into Tyler one weekend because Meghan, Luke, and Lane had come down from Wyoming while Luke was on break to see the family.  We actually were able to get you in the pool- and you loved it!!

Playing with cousins Lane and Clara 

Bath time at Grandmother and Granddaddy's!

 Almost big enough for the rocking chair

I mean, come on, how can you not love this face!!

(this last one is the face you make before you come in for kisses- slobbery, wet sweet kisses only Momma and Daddy would love)
You went to your first wedding on June 28th!  Uncle Andrew and  Aunt (finally it's official!) Alyssa got married in Tyler, and we stayed in town Thursday-Monday.  You went with Momma on Friday when she had a pedicure appointment, because Daddy went to play golf with the guys, and the women at Nails by Lee were just over the moon to get to hold and play with you! You were loved on all weekend- especially by family that hadn't got to see you yet (Aunts Andra and Anita). Momma wasn't great about snapping pictures of the event....

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