Thursday, May 29, 2014

 A Very Happy Half-birthday to John!

These monthly pictures are getting harder and harder to control ;)

I just really can't believe that you have been with us for 6 months already!! This is just so unreal to me.  It has truly been the best 6 months of my life.  You have given new meaning to both of our lives and I can't imagine life without you!

Weight: You know weigh 19 lbs. 14 oz. which puts you in the 88th percentile!

Length: My tall man, you are 27.8 inches long- the 91st percentile!

Eye Color: Blue with a ring- sometimes they look green to me, but it may have to do with your mood or what you are wearing, because those are some pretty baby blue eye balls. 

Eating: Starting right after your fifth month, we began giving you vegetables with your bottle for lunch.  You have had green beans, peas (your least favorite so far-plus they make Matthew gag), squash, sweet potatoes and carrots.  Your eating schedule nowadays is oatmeal and an 8 oz. bottle for breakfast around 6:30 or 7, vegetable and bottle for lunch, and afternoon snack bottle, and then rice cereal/oatmeal and a bottle for dinner.  You much prefer oatmeal to rice cereal!

Sleeping:  You usually sleep overnight from about 9-6:30 and take a couple of short 1-2 hours naps in the day time. One Saturday we did a bunch of errands, went to a baby shower for Jared and Holly, and when we got home it was dinner time. You passed out after finishing your bottle at 7:30 and didn't wake back up until 7am- heaven! ;)

Favorite Toy:  A tie between your keys and Deuce (Matt's name for you polar can change it later.  Mainly because I don't want to have to say "you dropped your Deuce")

John's first experience at the pool was a no go.....the water was just too cold for little man!  But he so loved looking at it AND swinging outside!!


You have gotten into the habit of playing with mom's face while you are starting to fall asleep....cute but man, you can hold onto a bottom lip!

You are getting better and better at sitting up on your own!!  My big boy :)

You have had a couple of "daddy and me" days recently and these are some of the pictures I get sent at work- it's like he is trying to torture me with your cuteness!!


Naptime with John is the best naptime!

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