Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Four Months

My big, growing, boy!  It's already time for your four-month update.  You are getting more and more fun with every passing day.  But first, your stats...

Weight: 17 lbs 4 oz- you have gained 2 lbs 1 oz in two months!  

Length: 26.3 inches- that's 2.3 inches too!

Eye Color: Blue with a ring still


Eating: You just started taking 6 oz bottles about every 4 hours and we give you cereal with your late evening bottle.  You chow down on it!  

Sleeping:  Most of the time, you sleep from around 10-4/5ish.  On the days you go to daycare, you are wiped out by the time I get home from the hospital (8ish) and end up usually waking up about 2 for a bottle and then go right back to sleep. You are a cat napper during the day- a few short naps is all you take!



Aunt Rebecca came over and we put together your bouncy-play-seat-thing together.  You like it right now for about 10 minutes at a time, but you will get the hang of it soon enough!

One Sunday afternoon, Granddaddy and Pawpaw came up from Tyler after church and visited all afternoon.  Pawpaw had been itching to see you again!  You played with Pawpaw for a while and then passed out in his arms.  Granddaddy got some loving in too :)

Your smiles are the best!  And you are starting to find your voice and talk more and more each day!

Miscellaneous: Your hair is getting thicker and starting to cover more of your head. Eyebrows are darker and you still have the longest eyelashes ever!  You still love bath time- especially KICKING WATER. Oh my goodness you love to kick!!

We decided to try for some cute butt shots...

Now you are just wanting to eat the bunny! 

Your day usually consists of eating and then playing on the playmat or with mom/dad, sometimes swinging and then about an hour before your next bottle is due you start to get just a little fussy and fight sleep before zonking out.  After we give you your cereal and bottle, we rock and read a book and a Bible story and say a prayer together as a family. Usually by the time that is done, you are almost, if not already, asleep.  

You are rolling both ways now!  You rolled over from your stomach to your back at exactly three-months and then two weeks later, Matt laid you on your back and went to grab a burp cloth and when he came back, you were back on your stomach!  The next morning, I watched you roll over and then back and forth and back and forth- I even was lucky enough to catch it on tape! You like to use your powerful legs and scoot and twist and turn on the mat.  We are definitely going to have to start watching you when you are on the changing table and on beds!

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