Wednesday, April 30, 2014

He Has Risen! He is Not Here.
Mark 16:6

     Easter is such an exciting time- everything is new with spring FINALLY coming for a visit.  It is a great reminder of the fact that we are made new in Christ because of his sacrifice He made for us.  Plus, some of my favorite songs are always sung during Easter time- He Arose, Christ the Lord Has Risen Today, etc. Matt and I had not been to Tyler for Easter in a while, so we spent the weekend in East Texas since Matt had Good Friday off (yay three-day weekends!).

     Friday we got up and headed in to Tyler pretty early. John gets us up around 6-7 every morning, so we just stayed up and headed out.  We met up with my parents, Andrew, the Hamiltons, and my grandparents at my grandparents house.  Then we went to eat lunch at Jason's Deli and the girls did a little bit of shopping while the boys went on home.  

    Friday night Papaw Hassell, Roger and Pam and the boys came over and we grilled out burgers and played games.  Rebecca and Taylor got into town after Reb got off work. I took absolutely no pictures. Sorry!

     Saturday I got up and, after feeding John his breakfast, I went out for a pedicure and some random errands.  A bunch of Mom's side and Papaw Hassell came over for lunch- chicken on the grill, salad, fruit, yum!  

     Easter Sunday was wonderful!  We got ready, showed John his Easter basket, and then headed to FBC Tyler and worshiped with the family.  Since Mom and Dad cooked out for the family on Friday and Saturday, we went to Luby's for lunch.  We stayed in Tyler for a greater part of the afternoon and then headed back to Forney to get ready for the week!  John did so great the whole weekend- of course, he was loved on, cooed over, and kissed/hugged constantly :)


And then John said "no more pictures!"



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