Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April Showers bring May Flowers

This past Saturday we took a family trip to the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Gardens.
Since it is literally a block away from one of our favorite breakfast food restaraunts, we got an early start to the day and had breakfast at Barbec's before going to see all the pretty flowers!
If you have never been to Barbec's and live in the Lakewood vicinity, you are failing at life.  Their biscuits are fantastic!  We always get breakfast foods, but I was spying on some other guests' plates and the lunch/dinner options look great too!  I may have to mix it up next time we go....maybe...probably not...
Anyways, we then got to the Arboretum and realized we were not properly dressed. It was CHILL-ly. John was wrapped well in blankets but we were in short sleeves and sandals(Sarah).  Whoops. To be fair- the weather said it was going to be in the 60s and sunny. Neither was correct.  It never got above 54 while we were there and I never witnessed a ray of sunlight poke out from behind those massive billowing clouds. Rude.
BUT. We made the most of it :)  This Momma loves her some tulips and I am glad we went this weekend, because I could tell that they were starting on the downhill slide to doom.  We walked around for about two hours, snapped some pictures, spied on some quincienera gals getting their photo shoots on, took long breaks in the heated bathrooms to get cozy, and oooed and aahed over the pretty tulips, the birdhouse exhibit, and the rest of the spring-time flowers attempting to survive in Texas "winsprimmer" (that's when you have winter, spring, and summer days all in one week).  
We ran into a couple of church friends while there- small world- and then stopped for some coffee to warm our innards. 
My favorite part was having John sitting in the stroller like a big boy- not in his baby car seat part.  He loved looking around, messed with the lining of the stroller, and took a nap. Such a content, sweet boy!

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