Thursday, May 1, 2014

Five Alive!!

Little Bit, you are 5 months old! You are so happy and cheerful- literally my joy!

Weight: TBD at your next doctor's appointment next month

Length: Same as above- but I would like to mention that you are LONG. You are getting too long for the 6 mos. sleep and plays, but still have a good amount of room in the trunk...good thing spring is *hopefully* here to stay and summer is around the corner!

Eye Color: blue with ring...I am still so intrigued to see what color your eyes become!



Eating: You are now taking cereal with a 6 oz bottle at breakfast, lunch, and dinner plus an afternoon bottle!  You do so well on a "regular" eating schedule!  You either have rice cereal or oatmeal- I think you may like the oatmeal a little more- We certainly like the smell of it better!

Sleeping: Usually from around 8:30/9pm to 6:30am- we like this schedule!  You still only cat nap during the day....little 1 or 1.5 hour naps.

I looked over at John while we were in the car one day and he was staring at me like this.....

And about two seconds later, he looked like this.....

You are drooling like crazy! I periodically check your mouth for any signs of teeth, but nothing yet!  You LOVE eating your hands. It is slightly ridiculous.  

You still roll both ways, but usually get frustrated when you are on your stomach playing and won't roll back over- so we help you go through the motions....and you are starting to use those powerful legs of yours to scoot when you are on your stomach- I placed you on your mat one day and went to put some laundry in the dryer and brought the clothes in the dryer out to the living room to fold while you played and, by the time I got back to the living room, you were all the way off the mat by about a foot and headed toward the kitchen! I don't think I am mentally prepared for crawling just yet, so please, take your time. 

You also have gotten so much better at grabbing things and using fine motor skills!  It's amazing how fast you are improving!  You love your "keys" and when we give them to you, you FLING them around- fair warning to anyone sitting near by: you WILL get hit. 

You have also found your toes. I love it!  Watching you grab them and play is adorable. *sigh*

You love to talk right after you wake up- I think you are telling us all about your dreams you had while sleeping. Also, you have started doing the whole "mom/dad is holding me so I am going to smile at you but then hide in their shoulder" I LOVE IT. I LOVE being your person- the one who can get you to calm down when no one else can, the one who you find comfort in; the one who can make you smile the instant your eyes meet mine- I adore it!

It makes me realize: if this is how I feel with you, how much greater is the pride and love that God has for me when I take comfort in Him, when I turn to Him with my stress to calm down, when I remember his love for me and have joy!! WOW! It is overwhelming!

My walking buddy for the March of Dimes

Getting better and better at sitting up!

Some early morning talks with Daddy:

Papa and Grandma Dottie came in from El Paso and got to meet John for the first time!

Getting him started playing cards early- we are a gaming family :)

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